Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
High-Performance Computing Consultancy
This customer helps businesses that need High-Performance Computing services to design and build their infrastructure and applications.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
AWS, ECS, EC2, RDS, Terraform, Docker, Ansible, Github Action, Wiregaurd, Kubeflow, Datadog, Packer

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
What we delivered:
Data Gathering
Infrastructure CI-CD
Automate Manually created Infrastructures
Automate Test Infrastructure Setup
Data Gathering:
We checked what infrastructure they have and what we can do for them
They already had most components in their infrastructure, we just listed all of the components we could improve and in what order we should do it
Infrastructure CI-CD:
We created a CI-CD for all IaC and added a better integration system for infrastructure changes
Automate Manually created Infrastructures:
Some existing services were created by click ops or manual process, all are now automated with Terraform and Ansible
Automate testing infrastructure provisioning and configuration:
Automated service creation was enhanced by introducing a suite of tests for automated verification, addressing the initial lack of setup assurance